Lindsey: When I read your blog I feel as though I am apart of your actual life (not meant to be creepy) because you are so clear and distinct with your descriptions. I get the feeling that you write similar to the way that you talk, with clear descriptions and moments of humor. I enjoy when you describe your hometown by saying "we're known for rolling hills, vineyards, and Winona Ryder" because it makes it seem really like home. Your blog about your boyfriend made me feel as though I was falling in love and it is clear that there is a deep connection between you two, a true love story. Cold-gray stoned benches placed me right in that location with your clear imagery and attention to details. I could even imagine you sitting there working or just relaxing.
Jesus: Immediately upon reading your introduction you seem as though a truly interesting person with a unique background. This is not only clear with how you describe yourself, but also how you write. If you could include a song on your blog, that would be incredible. Music seems to be an essential part of who you are as a person, which is why I appreciate you including songs you listened to at the end of your blog. The song written portion about Nicole really captures the essence of how you connect to her as a person. What a unique way of capturing such a sincere relationship. Your final post of last week really showcases your talents as a writer. Honestly, I am envious of this trait. You have such a unique, distinct voice in your writing that seems to reflect you as a person.
Miranda: What a creative way of seeing yourself. Your writing points out such unique points within your walk of life that give a clear idea of you as a person. Not only are you describing what happens in your life, but also your way of seeing life. When describing your friend it seemed as though the rhythm or your writing also reflected that persons personality . This unique way of writing offers more for the reader and a deeper understanding of that person. When describing a place your focus on the people captures the essence of the restaurant. How you described the people in the setting truly captured the overall energy within the restaurant without even having to focus tangible details (even though you did that too).
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