Brandon: For your post about a monotonous job, you did a great job at introducing it. Your tone really conveyed how easily the job was done and what lack of effort you needed to even be successful at it. The blog starting going in a new direction near the end. I appreciated the interesting details but I would have loved for you to stick with the boring. You did a great job writing about graphic novels. I felt very limited by this writing so I was super impressed with how interesting you made this prompt. great work.
Chelsee: For the prompt about your job, I appreciate that you started with your clothing. Immediately it sets us up to see you as doing the same thing over and over. You continued to write about the actual job and it became clear how ingrained the tasks are in your mind. This really made the job and your relationship with it seem monotonous. While writing about graphic novels, I'm glad you related it to your life. It is a topic I know little about so I didn't know what to do with it. Great job at making a topic more distant from you relative.
Leena: I loved how you used sounds to describe your job. This made me really feel as if I was there. You really set the scene so that the audience could feel personally invested. I would have loved to hear more about what you do, but at the same time leaving out the details really captured how mindless the job is. For your post about graphic novels, I agree with you 100%. I just don't really get into them and you really captured my own attitude (more than I did). I really enjoyed your posts this week
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