Thursday, April 7, 2011

UNjustified eating

She ordered a burger and immediately changed her mind “You know what, actually I’ll have a small salad. With lemon as dressing”. She looks defeated at the idea of even thinking about a hamburger. When looking at her across the table, a hamburger seems like it would do her good. Her figure is smaller than petite without an inch of fat on it. It’s that tiny unitard she has to fit into this weekend that weighs heavy on her mind. A crash diet, if only for this one show, unable to acknowledge she performs every weekend. In fact, she often performs more than that. Her so called crash diet now consumes her lifestyle as she slowly withers away in her own body.

“I’ll have a number one, extra large. Can you put extra mayo on that? Oh yeah and 2 apple pies too.” with no hesitation, an order is placed. This isn’t the first number order made that day, in fact it just falls into a never ending series of meals. No longer needing to know the names of food all his orders come in numbers and sizes. Ingredients never seen to pass his mind and he orders each meal as though he hadn’t eaten in days. The objective of food is to fill not realizing that he is actually overfilled with nothing of value. His body continually grows as he slowly slips away into his own body.

Understanding of health is far from important as people find themselves completely unattached from themselves. As I look around I see a world in which no one needs to have a sincere attachment to their bodies. The imbalance of understanding goes from one extreme to the next and to gain knowledge seems more intangible than is fair. The world around seems to be waging war against their own bodies.

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