Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prompt 21: Drinking and Observing

There’s this little bar I frequently find myself a visitor of. It’s plopped right in the middle of a neighborhood, tucked away from the row of bars known as Mill Ave.
A night on the town.
An escape from the masses on Mill.
Or what the neighborhood residents may call it: an evening in.
From sweats shirts to high heels, dressing up or dressing down are both readily accepted.

It’s often hard to keep track of all that is happening because there is such a wide variety of people indulging the many qualities offered. It’s like a good date: low-key, inexpensive, and care-free. No one has to be anyone but themselves, and free flowing conversation is something you can always find. My mind wonders from here to there,

“I can’t even begin to understand why someone can do that and feel no remorse”
I overhear from a table near by.
“I’m not comfortable in my own home anymore and now I just avoid common space when she’s home. Who can yell at a person for something relevantly irrelevant and be ok with themselves.”
Three roommates, seemingly regular visitors and living within the neighborhood discuss a roommate left at home
“Listen, I don’t understand her either. None of us do. But we’ve never gotten along with her before so I can’t imagine….”

I start to drift away from the conversation, only to notice the scene the bar has become. It hasn’t been newly remodeled for at least 15 years. The building use to be an old house but
is now a bar. It’s easy to see a slow progression of decorations created the atmosphere it is today. It’s a brick house decorated with wooden doors and tables. Regular cat’s wonder through unafraid to approach anyone there. The cats have made a home of this place, and it seems as though many people have too.

The bar is filled on a typical Wednesday night with an eclectic mix of drinkers. All shapes, sizes, trends, ethnicities. Whoever it may be, they all seem to feel welcome in the low key environment that has evolved over time. Everyone is welcome and they all take advantage of it. The smokers sit outside and without hesitation they go through cigarettes at about a pack per minute.

The coy pond offers entertainment with rumors of drunkards letting their urine somehow miss the toilet and land within the pond. The outside urinal allows for men to skip going inside on those drunken nights. From what I’ve heard, it’s similar to peeing in the coy pond, except a wooden gate offers privacy and the servers won’t have to escort you out.

My ears catch someone else. These folks seem to frequently attend, but not nearly as much as the others
“Awww. You guys just really give me hope for my whole situation. It seems as though love is in the air!”

Before you know it, I am distracted by a man lifting his shirt, exposing a tattoo that covers his entire back. But his front is towards me and I just see his pasty belly flop forward.

Next thing I know, the waitress arrives with the check. My mind has seen a wide display of events in such a simplistic place. From one drink to the next, this place offers a slew of events unfolding before your eyes.

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